empty And Broken Hearted u’ll always be in my heart From now to eternity.

My thoughts will be on u Ever since u left I felt empty Something was missing my body doesn't feel d same Pieces of me are gone dat will never return again d tears I cry will only ripple w/in ur name.

 I’m like a vase w/ no water and no love I miss d days dat went by and d days dat will never be once more w/o u is like being on a drained out subway train wanting to stay on but wanting off at the same time Or a scary rollercoaster wanting to get on

 but last time You thought it nearly killed u so u want to Stay away and yet if dat one person asked u u’d ride it again Sitting here wondering if ur breathing or not Is like the echoing in my brain between the two canon walls Just becoming more and more of a fade in the wind That fills the space dat holds nothing.

 My heart was once crammed to the top and Poring out to others I held it so highonce Then dis day came along In that team of seconds.

 My heart went from high up in the air Felling my hole entire body w/ love to Dragging on the ground bleeding and in pain Bare drained traumatized and unfilled w/ love.

 Now dis is my last words im saying in pain i loved u more than anything else And here is my last thing to say gudbye to u, and the whole world too.

--esteph :]

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