There's a Saying that ..

"You can close your Eyes to the things you don't want to See, But you can't close your Heart to the things you don't want to Feel. "

We can simply close our eyes on those things we don't want to see but why is it hard for us to close our hearts to those things we don't want to feel to lessen the Pain ?

if we can only close our hearts to the things we don't want to feel then maybe we wouldn't have the feeling of being Hurt, causing us too much Pain. No more Heartache, No more Heart Breaks, No more Pain, No more Sorrow, No more Sadness & Loneliness. we might as well be happy & contended with our loved ones at all time.

it is hard to pretend that your fine even though your not. trying to hide what you really feel, for them not to notice you've got hurt. Pretending there's nothing wrong.

why cant we just be happy without getting hurt ? :(((
why is it to Love a person cause us too much Pain ?

Love is Like Handing Someone a Gun, having Them Point it at your Heart and Trusting Them to Never Pull The Trigger.

NP: Just Let it Go By: 4tune

(c) einahpetse yam.